Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Fun Box Monster Podcast #86 Blood Beat (1983)
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
If you’re like me, Christmas time means one thing: Samurai sex movies directed by drugged out French maniacs.
When a family of Wisconsin deer hunters goes home to visit their amateur painter / godlike psychic with cosmic powers / Shelly Duval impersonator mother, they unleash a demonic samurai whose murder spree is somehow attached to the son’s new girlfriend’s orgasms because maybe she cut her finger on his sword as a child? Or was that the mom? Or they’re unrelated? Or he’s from WWII, and the samurai thing is just how he chooses to show himself? Honestly…I don’t know. So join Matt and Tristan as they charge up their mystical boinging, play a hot game of cat-Monopoly and cut open the stinky deer corpse that is Blood Beat.